Methodist New Connexion

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            1842                                        Peterborough attached

            1842                                        James Hales

            1843                                        James Hales, Francis Hunt

            1844                                        Francis Hunt, James Caswell

            1845                                        James Caswell, Thomas Hamilton

            1846                                        Benjamin Haigh, Thomas Reid

            1847                                        John H Simpson

            1848                                        John H Simpson, Thomas Brown

            1849                                        James Bell, William Peck

            1850                                        James Bell, John Shilton, James Gundy

            1851                                        Joseph Oates

            1852 - 1853                            William Gundy

            1854                                        John Wilkinson

            1855 - 1856                            John Histon

            1857 - 1858                            Robert N Hill

            1859                                        David Savage

            1860                                        David Savage, J Rogers

            1861                                        David D Rolston, James Hocking

            1862                                        David D Rolston, Daniel M McKenzie

            1863                                        William Williams

            1864 - 1865                            William Williams, Joel T Pitcher

            1866                                        William Williams, Neil A McDiarmid

            1867                                        James Caswell, Francis Nugent

            1868                                        James Caswell, Charles Barltrop

            1869                                        James Caswell, George Swanton

            1870                                        James Caswell, Joseph Philp

            1871                                        Calvin Shaw, Chancellor Teeter

            1872                                        Calvin Shaw, James Livingstone

            1873                                        Calvin Shaw, Nassau B Topping

            1874                                        Henry Wilkinson, Alfred J Barltrop

            1874                                        to the Methodist Church of Canada. Split into several parts, Peterborough going to Peterborough-George St.